Penny wise,Pound foolish

I had been to Nehru Place in N.Delhi to get some writable CDs so that I dont end up using all the space on my Hard Disk with movies and mp3s downloaded from Kazaa. Haggled like hell to get a good bargain for 13 rupee per piece deal for 25 Cds.Did some more bargaining for ties priced at 45/- to get them down to 30/-.I felt very happy with my new found bargaining style.Contented with my 'performance', I was about to leave the place for lunch,only to find that the ever efficient Delhi traffic police had decided to take away only my vehicle from the many 4-wheelers and bikes parked at that place.

Kazaa started working yesterday. So I am downloading The Godfather,Rocky 2, The Fightclub and The Beautiful Mind. Apart from these, I downloaded some good ol RD songs from Rocky, Ijaazat,Parinda,Libaas etc. Have started a re-read of THHGTTG - DNA.The last two days went by in getting Kazaa to work.

After a few hassles with the templates,I have finally zeroed in on the golf ball.

I have fallen to peer pressure.I seem to be the last to jump onto the bandwagon. But, I am onboard now.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?