Keep the faith

From here, if there's anyone who can pull it off, it is Michael Schumacher.There have been many doubting Thomases questioning the ability,hunger,capability of MS and The Scuderia.If the hunger was ever in danger of fizzling out, these last few races have only managed to strengthen the resolve. Be ready for a backlash - ruthless at that.Monza is a home race for MS, Indy can be termed one for pretender no.1 JPM.

A Champion

Difficult to find a better champion in any sport.

You Know You're A Quizzer When...

You can't read a book without thinking of all the possible questions that could be set on it.

You read a dictionary or encyclopaedia to improve your knowledge of a subject.

Facts are more important than ideas.

The word "buzz" is an essential part of your vocabulary ("This Greek tragic playwright� BUZZ!")

You feel an overwhelming desire to press anything that looks remotely like a buzzer.

People have to remind you which degree you're studying for.


The opening piece of Gotta Go Home by Boney M is very similar to the opening piece of 'Pyaar Karne Waale' in Shaan.I tried to find a site with streaming audio clips of both.Could not find either.So,if you have it,listen and enjoy!!!!

Independence Day

This day is special.We, the External Relations cell of MDI came out with the first issue of the internal newsletter titled 'Cerebration'.This morning,when I was going towards the reception area where the flag was to be hoisted by the director,I was wondering if I still get the same excitement on this day.There was a very obvious breach of protocol during the flag hoisting and the general cynicism was creeping in about what ever happened to the tryst with destiny that we all Ind

Hot on the blog today

Found this good site on media.For all the conspiracy theory freaks that I know, this should be a good read.

New Additions

Was going through the blogs of Puneites from The list of Indian Bloggers and found Deepali's blog. The first totally poetic blog that I have seen.How I wish I had the 'kuduru' (a telugu word which means patience to do things-this is a word whose exact translation in any other language I havent found) to do such things. Some additions to the links list,which was long over-due.


Why does SRT have to do this?Accepted that for all his service and contribution to the nation,the minimum that we can do is recognise his efforts in whatever way we can.But is exempting duty charge,amounting to USD 245,000 the right way to do it?Especially so,when he is in a position to pay the required amount.In my opinion,he would have gone furtehr up in my eyes if he had agreed to pay up even if the Govt.


I had a great session with Cyril T and I am now trying to expose him to the brilliance of The Boss RDB so that he can play all those great tracks on his keyboard.


Something like this had to happen.For all good things in life,some power struggle is inevitable.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?