Long time

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything. It is one of those times when I am not in a 'wanting to type out all that I want to say' mood. Hence, no post yet on one of the best movies I have ever seen - Ek Hasina Thi - I watched it thrice, to look for mistakes.It is PERFECT.

Agassi was in for another title but ran into a Safin who would have beaten even Hewitt and Sampras on the same day. No issues. You just bow down to the temperamental genius and watch in admiration. Just hope he does not run out of steam after that 5 setter.

Promise to get back to blogging soon.


Anand...A fellow BC Quizzer,sports,movie fan,bibliophile (ain't these interests a given for any quizzer - atleast a BC quizzer? :) ) joins the list.

Happy New Year

I am happy enough to wish everyone a great 2004 ahead.I know it's going to be great for me and my favourites. The way my faith was repaid today by GOD,I know you cannot put faith down for too long in this world. iS duniya meiN dEr hai,aNdher naHin.

Today, I felt it's Ok if Steve Waugh retires after this match. The only guy who can take over from him to shoulder the art of batsmanship of the whole world has finally shown the only trait that was missing till date- patience.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?