Dialup blues

VSNL dialup blues are responsible for this sabbatical from blogging.I promise to come back with loads and loads of observations soon.I am back into the 'i want to share this with the world' mood.So be ready for a barrage of posts soon.


Wanted to write about this at that time only, but I was on a sabbatical then. The seeds of the defeat were sown when Gilchrist made the statement that Indians should be proud of what they have 'already achieved' on the tour. You need not make abrasive statements to upset the applecart. The objective is to take away the concentration from the job at hand and Australians are the best in the business.Doing the right things at the right moments.

Last day of classes

Today, finally I had the day I was looking forward to, for the last 19 years. We are through with our classes,bringing an end to my student life.So, is this the end of my education? I hope not.When I take a reality check of what I have learnt in all these years, I cannot place my finger at some particular thing and claim that it was the result of the pains I took in the course of my academic life.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?