Sachin and Umpires

All the columnists are now writing about how the Indian team has been faring pathetically in the last two months and how desperately are they looking for Sachin and he is the only one who can save this team.

It was not too long ago when those same columnists were talking about how he had lost the bite in his batting and was not good enough to 'lead' the batting of the team.It is so very easy to blame one person.


Amitabh Bachchan

This is one of the better sites about AB.

Superman No More

Christopher Reeve is no more.

A sad day.

One of those who showed that an actor can actually get into the skin of the characters he plays.An amazing display of courage and determination has come to an end.I guess this was the only time when a grounded Superman was more inspiring.

Balle Balle! Amritsar to L.A.

I have seen lot of trash - King of Bollywood,Mumbai Matinee- to name a few and have felt better than what I felt after watching Balle Balle...

George once told me that what he looks for in a movie is how well the Director is conveying his/her idea to the audience.If the idea was to make you hate Punjabis,in general, for how sick they can be,in trying to pack their girls to foren,well,Gurinder Chaddha succeeds in that.

22 Yards

Ramanand and I will be following the India- Australia series on 22 yards.

The intention is to keep posting from the Points of View of the two coaches - John Buchanan (moi) and John Wright (JR).


Martyn :This will be the first time when the batting will depend on Martyn,primarily.Time to see if the demons of 1996 have been put to rest.

Gilchrist : Hasn't been in good form lately.The added responsibility of captaincy.Hasn't done exceptionally well against India.Has his work cut out.From what I noticed in th tour game,he is ready to play the waiting game.Might be more dangerous now.

Something that caught my eye before leaving for the day

Check out Ganguly's remarks about the new BCCI President here. Courtesy Rediff,of course.

No. Three

His proposed move to No. three might just be the next defining move for this amazing team.He might just set a new standard for this spot.Traditionally,the no.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar

Will he? Won't he?

Has anyone/anything caught a whole nation's imagination like this?

All we lack is someone threatening to immolate himself (or was it shoot himself) to make his idol do what he wants-inner voice or Doc's voice.

Zaheer Khan

Why cannot the selectors learn?Whhy cannot they give Zaheer Khan three consecutive matches to play and if he has stood the strain,then consider him for International cricket?

Why do you need to hurry him into a match every time he is recovering from an injury.You play him in one match and then he breaks down in the second or third match.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?