Neighbour's envy
I am all for peace with our neighbours - no doubt about it. But let's not go overboard with the peace initiative,especially the people to people interaction bit. After all said and done, a tiger cnnot shed it's stripes so easily and Pakistan cannot become a peace loving nation overnight.I don't suggest that we should cut-off our relations with them. Just be aware of the fact that the cobra can rear up to bite us anytime.We have had the bitter experience in '99.There is no reason why we should let our guard down.
Simple request - don't go overboard.
I am all for peace with our neighbours - no doubt about it. But let's not go overboard with the peace initiative,especially the people to people interaction bit. After all said and done, a tiger cnnot shed it's stripes so easily and Pakistan cannot become a peace loving nation overnight.I don't suggest that we should cut-off our relations with them. Just be aware of the fact that the cobra can rear up to bite us anytime.We have had the bitter experience in '99.There is no reason why we should let our guard down.
Simple request - don't go overboard.