
Longhorn will soon join Cairo(XP),Start me Up in quizzing fundaes related to Billu.


I am listening to the songs of Boys.

Can't resist this one

The WI side's new strength and conditioning co-ordinator,Bryce Cavanagh says "One of the problems with these blokes is that they fatigue in the last three days of a Test, especially the fifth day."

When was the last time the West Indies played a full fifth day?


Why doesn't someone file a PIL against MSEB? They have had such a pathetic record for the last so many years and right now, they have plummetted to new depths.I think it is my right to have a healthy power situation and if it is not so, then the responsible authority needs to be punished for it.

This is going to be a familiar sight now - hopefully the places will get exchanged a few times.

The charge of the Red Brigade begins!

Finally I watched a race this season - and what a race it was?

It could well have been the Master's greatest drive ever - if he had managed to sneak past the WC designate (?) Alonso.

For the effort put in by Alonso in the last twelve laps to keep a rampaging Michael at bay, he deserves to be the champion.I don't think there will be any hard feelings if he wins the Championship this year - he is good enough to deserve it.


Why don't we have summer 'vacations' (those 50 day long breaks) when we grow up?

These climes are not meant for work - this is the time when you put your feet up, read a novel a day.

Life ain't fair to the grown-ups.

No More

I am getting increasingly sick of the arm-chair Bradmans and Sobers and Gavaskars. I would refrain from making any comments on cricket - atleast the prescriptive ones/crticisms which I have been dishing out for so long - I don't want someone else to question my authority to do so.

I shall continue to talk about my likings but no more statements/comments.

Testing Times

These are,indeed, testing times - what with Schumacher struggling to finish races and these non-finishes are going to hurt him badly when he is in a position to actually threaten Alonso,in the later stages of this season.Alonso has run away to a sizeable lead and I think it is going to take a combination of a herculean effort from MS and loads of luck for him to leapfrog Alonso this year. TCS - doesn't seem to have bode well for the Italians.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?