I am not celebrating my birthday because I don’t want to. I was expecting some special treatment from Nach Baliye team but nothing happened, so I am very sad.I started tracking statements made by and purportedly made by Rakhi Sawant ever since Amit Varma took a liking for her on India Uncut. In fact I went to the extent of asking a quiz question on Rakhi. I'm sure not many quizzers can claim to have done that. If she continues to make statements like these, you will also turn into a Rakhi fan. BTW, I also watched Khauff- Khamosh Raat till Rakhi's character is murdered. So that's another Rakhi moment for me. What is your Rakhi moment? JR, just in case you are going to mention it - answering the Rakhi Sawant quiz question mentioned above won't count.

Do our politicians and PIOs (Politicians of Indian Origin) have a monopoly over stupidity or have the Malaysian Indian leaders started getting coached by their Indian counterparts?

Their leaders have also filed a $4 trillion lawsuit in London against the British government for alleged failure to ensure their well-being in the adopted country, where their forefathers were brought as workers in the 1800s.This case and the other cases which will soon follow can make the British Government bankrupt

And who should respond most positively of all but Beckham. His fitness may be lacking but his right boot remains lethal.

With one deft chip, he picked out Crouch, who controlled on his chest before rattling home his 14th international goal.

None have been better received and none have been as important.

As Crouch raced away, pursued by ecstatic team-mates, McClaren darted off the bench, punching the air in utter jubilation.

I just had a little bit of the Tirunelveli Halwa and there is only one word to describe it - Orgasmic.

All you Tams who are reading this - Please get me the halwa. Please - I am ready to beg, borrow and steal and beat and blackmail and murder.

When I read very well written articles on sports and sportspersons, I get confused. I'm not sure whether I should applaud the writing or the subject of the writing?

If Tendulkar has been brilliant, what about Rohit Brijnath? Well, the one point which swings it in Tendulkar's favour is that age is not a factor for Brijnath, it was for Tendulkar till not so long ago.

If he has set his mind to something, be sure that he would achieve it. Unlike his counterparts from the neighbouring countries, he is not after money alone. He is one who can confidently say "I have been there, done that" - ask Zeenat, Packer, Goldie. When our 'pure as white' (more than one pun here) heroes were still unaware of what it takes to live life to the fullest, the big boy went out in the night and played - played hard, played the very best.

Every MP is provided INR 1 crore as part of the MPLAD scheme. I propose that the MP should use these funds for footing the bill for a referendum in the third year of his/her term where the voters can rate the performance of the MP in the first 2-2.5 years. So what would happen is -

The MP would be able to use the Rs. 2 crore in the first two years for the betterment of the constituency.

Whatever is coming out from behind the iron curtain is not good.

New year, new car, same story. Some people never change.

A Cyber-cafe in Hyderabad goes by the name Dove Communications!!Noticed a T-shirt which said "I'm glad you're my dad".
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?