Why isn't such energy directed better? Do these people think? A more pertinent question to ask- can they?

Just in case you were wondering about the result of the second semi-finals, Novak beat Federer in straight sets. And I take every opportunity to remind my readers about this. Yes, this is where you heard it first - it was almsot an year ago that I first saw him and thought Wow! this guy can play. Now I'm a bit scared for my man because Tsonga is on song. Anyways, may the best player win.

Well, I started watching his match with Nadal only after my cubicle mate, Saket asked me to, knowing how keenly I follow tennis. Earlier in the week, Saket actually went home early to watch Tsonga play. After seeing the first set against Nadal, I can see why.

Tsonga - he rocks.

The way he is playing now, he can claim to be as good.

I'm sure every quizzer worth his KQA salt will know about Tuvalu. A similar hot favourite in recent times has been the Pluto question. It is sad to see a country like Tuvalu facing such existential challenges. This is clearly an off-shoot of our march towards progress. Of course, we need to keep moving but it is the lack of sensitivity to this issue which hankers me more than the alarmist doomsday predictions that Al Gore makes.

After a well-constructed hundred, Rahul Dravid at the Press conference at the end of the first day's play at Adelaide -

Scribe: What is your opinion on the selectors' decision to drop you from the ODI team?

RD: What about it?

Scribe: Do you agree with it?

RD: Well, what do you want me to say? I'm obviously disappointed but that's the decision the selectors took and I have to go with it. Yes, Prem - next question?

Media coverage in India

Aaj Tak: Rahul Dravid says he is disappointed.

I don't understand why there is such a brouhaha over the exclusion of Ganguly, Dravid and Laxman from the side. Wasn't this expected? If we don't blood the youngsters now, when are we going to do it? I believe we now have a very flexible batting line-up where the only one who is going to be obdurate about his slot will be Sachin and it is actualy the best slot for him. All the others have done well as floaters and that's the flexibility that someone was talking about, some time ago.

Greg Chappell joins the list of public figures that I have 'spotted' at Airports.

What is with Heads of States romancing models these days? First it was Sarkozy. Now it is Chavez. To boot, Naomi Campbell has an interesting observation

Campbell is quoted saying Chavez is ‘not a gorilla, he is more a bull’.Sigh.

By the way, I'm not sure how interviewing world leaders for magazines like GQ can be considered Community Service.

I have felt very bad that Marion Jones has been punished the way she has been. Not because I support her taking drugs but because I think she has been one person who has had the courage to accept it and come out in the open. Of course, she will lose all my sympathy if it turns out that she has already signed a multi-million dollar book deal ( which I'm sure is an inevitability).
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?