I heard about Seth Godin in some of the business quizzes that I follow, these days ( Yes, yes - nowadays I find them interesting). The first thing that struck me was that its a nice name. I somehow liked the sound of the name. I saw his picture and liked him more!

Today, I saw a link to his blog on the Freakonomics blog and decided to explore more. I have been floored by the first few posts I read on his blog. Now, his books are going to be on my wish-list and yes, I will be marking the three things that I'd change in myself after reading his books!

After you read through some of his posts you will appreciate that I'm doing some Word-of-mouth publicity for him.

"We had a cause and that was very important because people with causes are very difficult for people to barter against. So I'm very, very proud. Sometimes you have to pinch yourself but the thing about me is that I don't get carried away. Tomorrow morning I will be thinking about next season. It drains away very quickly — that drug, that final moment, that save, it vanishes for me. I will be thinking about the future and looking into the players' eyes to make sure their hunger is still there.

Rohit Brijnath has done it again - he has managed to put in words what I have had in mind for a long time now. Azhar - I still get frustrated when I think of him and frustrated is the right word to describe the feeling. The 'Why' that comes to mind is because no one ever wanted to hate Azhar.

The statue of Vladimir Lenin flanked by the two clubs that are synonymous of capitalism.

Some of you might remember my rant some time ago about Navya's dislike/hatred for mangoes even though she is a big fan of the 'bina guthali waala aam'. Few weeks ago, all that changed and now she is almost on a 'a mango a day' routine. And I didn't even have to listen to Himeshhh.

But something out of the ordinary did happen on the day she started eating mangoes. That was the day JR and I won our first quiz together in a long time.

How Journalism Works

Writes Martin Samuel in The Times:

'Steve McClaren, the former England head coach, was helping Dave Penney, a friend, to coach Darlington last week. Do your own jokes, you know you want to.

'...And while the BBC's decision to employ McClaren at Euro 2008 was mocked, at least he will be there, watching the talent, spotting the innovations, taking the pulse of the game as played by Europe's best.

Read this from Ian Chappell.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?