I think 'reserving' seats in the finals of a quiz is preposterous. But then, I'm not participating in this quiz. Now that I don't have a high opinion of this event, I'll make sure I bad-mouth this event as much as I can - only to those one or two readers who bother about my opinion. The rest will still go to the event to make it a 'grand success'. Looks like the numbers work out in the favour of the organisers of ENVISION.

This is a mail I received through a quizzing mailing list -

2008/8/14 Nebulous <...@gmail.com>

Hi All BQC members.

EnQuizzitive - the B+E Quiz of ENVISION - NITIE kick's off tomorrow

with the prelims at 2200hrs.

Its open to all students and corporates. The corporate teams can be of

different organizations but the student teams need to be from the same


Super performance. Brilliant.

The woes have started. I have never been a big fan of the Olympic games and don't follow it that keenly. The only time I got interested in it was when I was watching King Carl fight for his last Gold in the Long Jump event in 1996. So I usually don't get depressed or saddened by the usual no-show of our sportspersons. I believe Suresh Kalmadi is the biggest swindler in the country and the amount of money that he wastes is just incredible.

"I'm not going to be a wimp and say I'm not going to do it. I'm going to accept this challenge and give it a go like I give everything a go."

Kevin Pietersen on being appointed Michael Vaughan's successor as England captain

Super - Now quotes like these will be a regular feature.

This is what sets him apart - not just the fact that he refused the single to get to his 200 but also had the gall to try a reverse sweep off the fifth ball of the over. That's the Caribbean style of playing - hit it when you see it. That doesn't mean they don't bother about the team. I wouldn't play him in ODI cricket but in Tests, anyone who thinks of dropping him should go and get his faculties checked.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?