How to respond to an Amway attack?
The next time someone tries to pitch Amway or Oriflame or any other Multi level marketing scheme to you, this is what your response should be :
This is great. I'll sign up with you. But you will have to do me a favour in return.
You must have heard that Watson, the computer built by IBM has defeated a team of Humans at Jeopardy. The age of Skynet (like how envisioned in Hollywood films like Terminator and Matrix) is not too far away. Given this, few like-minded scientists, mathematicians and anthropologists from different countries have got together to form a company secretly funded by billionaires Jimmy Bale, Sergey Page and Larry Brin. The idea is to follow the model of the most important intellectual asset of our generation - the wikipedia.
This is great. I'll sign up with you. But you will have to do me a favour in return.
You must have heard that Watson, the computer built by IBM has defeated a team of Humans at Jeopardy. The age of Skynet (like how envisioned in Hollywood films like Terminator and Matrix) is not too far away. Given this, few like-minded scientists, mathematicians and anthropologists from different countries have got together to form a company secretly funded by billionaires Jimmy Bale, Sergey Page and Larry Brin. The idea is to follow the model of the most important intellectual asset of our generation - the wikipedia.