The next time someone tries to pitch Amway or Oriflame or any other Multi level marketing scheme to you, this is what your response should be :
This is great. I'll sign up with you. But you will have to do me a favour in return.

You must have heard that Watson, the computer built by IBM has defeated a team of Humans at Jeopardy. The age of Skynet (like how envisioned in Hollywood films like Terminator and Matrix) is not too far away. Given this, few like-minded scientists, mathematicians and anthropologists from different countries have got together to form a company secretly funded by billionaires Jimmy Bale, Sergey Page and Larry Brin. The idea is to follow the model of the most important intellectual asset of our generation - the wikipedia. Like the SETI program, my company has come up with DNA-42, a super computer that will be powered using the unutilized brain power of human beings. It is absolutely essential to add to the power of DNA-42 to overcome the eventual domination of Watson. The unique way of powering DNA-42 means that its power will always lie in the hands (heads!) of human beings and we will never become slaves of robots. The success of DNA-42 lies in how many people you will help sign up and how many your referrals will eventually help sign up. We will supply you a pair of electrodes connected to a USB storage device. All you need to do is, stick the electrodes to your head whenever you think you are using your mind the most e.g. when you are making a sales pitch. The excess 'power' that your mind generates will get captured in the USB storage device, which you can upload on a website. Eventually all this power will be used by DNA-42 and you will be part of the Resistance. So can you give me your postal address, all your email ids, phone number so that I can send you the pair of electrodes and your contact details will get added to the list being maintained by the Resistance. In case of an eventuality, you may be contacted to provide extra brain power.

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Testing embedding of Perisqope quizzes

I'm writing this while on vacation...taking time off while waiting for the cab to come in and take me to the Dharmashala cricket stadium. So the love for the game has not been lost yet but....(apologies for the rambling tone and some lack of structure to the whole post)

I have always maintained T-20 is a great format. In fact, Max Cricket (Crowe's invention) is better.

In the next 3 days, we will start hearing about the laments of how a billion people can produce fewer than 10 Olympic medals. The outrage will last for a week; some companies/ people will (hopefully) donate some money to the Olympic Gold Quest and assume their responsibility is over. The media will move on (has it already moved on?) and we will revisit this in 2016; of course there will be the odd clamour when we will qualify in some sport, get walloped in others.

While I couldn’t read the book, I did the next best thing – I checked out Sheena Iyengar’s TED talk on the art of choosing. I was surprised at how she drew such perceptive inferences from the experiments she had conducted. It would have been dull, drab data for her. How did she choose to ignore the dullness of the data and opt to, instead, get fascinated by the beauty of it? I was impressed.

The TED Talks present the same challenge that she talks about – information choice overload.

Is it the rest? Is it the exercise? Is it the nice heavy breakfast? Is it peace of mind? Is it getting rid of the below-par, irritating co-workers? Is it refusing to watch the news shows? Is it the conscious attempt to stop getting into a self-righteous mode? Is it the watering of plants every morning?

These last few days I have been relatively more productive – definitely more than what I was in the last year.

11:52 AM : I fall for the temptation. Let's check the score on But while the page is loading (cue for cricinfo - stop those interstitial ads, they are irritating), I have a bet myself - what will the score be? I say 30 for 2; the inner me says 30 for 3. I win - it is 39 for 2.

I have read a few articles by noted columnists, former cricketers, some backed with data, some with hunches, some sponsored by big corporate clients.

I'm sure everyone who reads this blog knows about Ramanand and knows what a great guy he is. Still, I thought the increase in my fandom levels should be made public - JR has been hosting a daily question blog called Infinite Zounds.

The next time someone tries to pitch Amway or Oriflame or any other Multi level marketing scheme to you, this is what your response should be :

This is great. I'll sign up with you. But you will have to do me a favour in return.

You must have heard that Watson, the computer built by IBM has defeated a team of Humans at Jeopardy. The age of Skynet (like how envisioned in Hollywood films like Terminator and Matrix) is not too far away.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?