While I couldn’t read the book, I did the next best thing – I checked out Sheena Iyengar’s TED talk on the art of choosing. I was surprised at how she drew such perceptive inferences from the experiments she had conducted. It would have been dull, drab data for her. How did she choose to ignore the dullness of the data and opt to, instead, get fascinated by the beauty of it? I was impressed.

The TED Talks present the same challenge that she talks about – information choice overload. While everyone says TED Talks are great, you ask them about how many talks have they watched, the number is usually in single digits (few will get to double digits).

Is it the rest? Is it the exercise? Is it the nice heavy breakfast? Is it peace of mind? Is it getting rid of the below-par, irritating co-workers? Is it refusing to watch the news shows? Is it the conscious attempt to stop getting into a self-righteous mode? Is it the watering of plants every morning?

These last few days I have been relatively more productive – definitely more than what I was in the last year.
I don't think I think. Therefore am I?