Is it the rest? Is it the exercise? Is it the nice heavy breakfast? Is it peace of mind? Is it getting rid of the below-par, irritating co-workers? Is it refusing to watch the news shows? Is it the conscious attempt to stop getting into a self-righteous mode? Is it the watering of plants every morning?
These last few days I have been relatively more productive – definitely more than what I was in the last year. Why?
The best wedding gift we got was ‘Out of My Comfort Zone’ – Steve Waugh’s autobiography from Ramanand. There are couple of things that have remained with me –
- After his first child was born, Steve Waugh was more determined to do well on tours because he thought only then, the sacrifice of not being with the family was worthwhile.
- He spent some time trying to figure out what he did when he played well and tried to build the same conditions every day so that his chances of success improved – this could be listening to the same song or keeping the same red rag with him (Ian C would probably include the green rag as well).
I try to think of the first one whenever I’m away from home but I’m never on any mission so doesn’t become important but the second one – try as I may, I’m not able to figure it out. It is not as if I hate hard work – I know I can, if I buy into some bigger goal (usually for the good of others rather than for me). I feel my biggest problem is to find motivation and one that will stick! A few days ago, Niranjan talked about The Flow and I feel I need something which is challenging enough to even get me started.
One big challenge when I am in the mood is to figure out what to do? I usually get very impatient, knowing that there are quite a few projects/tasks which are waiting for my Afridi-esque (now it can even be called Sehwag-esque) form and try to do multiple things simultaneously and very soon, the form dies on me. (Cue: Start reading The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar)
I have decided not to wait for those flashes of inspiration – if I keep rotating the strike, I will get the bad ball and then make it count.
What I have noticed is that when I’m in the mood, I do a few things right – like writing in paragraphs instead of the ghastly bullet points. I don’t know if writing is a cause or an effect – even if it is an effect, I don’t want to let the flow get wasted. And yes, I will try to write more often, without it feeling like a chore. If you are reading this, brace yourself. Hopefully, I don’t start running an RGV-style factory.
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